Interested in announcing your event, activity, or program to the L-H community?


Please follow these simple guidelines to ensure prompt and accurate promotion through the Sunday e-blast or the Lion Link Website.


All L-H school/PTO endorsed events can be submitted for inclusion in e-blast and Website. Summit community events are subject to approval by PTO, L-H administration, and/or Summit Board of Education.


For inclusion in the Sunday e-blast:

  • Please send your .jpeg or .png file (no pdfs) including all information and related images.
  • Please send to VP of Communications, Kat Visconti (
  • Deadline for inclusion each Sunday is by 10:00 am on the prior Wednesday.

To post on the Lion Link (L-H Website):

  • Be sure to send either final artwork (as a .jpeg or .png file) or text with related images in a Word document.
  • We prefer not to accept .pdf flyers as they can only be posted as a link to our site. If your information is formatted as a .pdf, you must also send accompanying text or logo/small image (.jpeg or .png) to appear on the Website for link to the flyer.
  • Please send all info to Nicole Argentieri (
  • Please allow up to 1 week for your information to be posted. (We’ll do our best to get to it as quickly as we can!)

* L-H school/PTO endorsed events only: If you are promoting an event that requires any kind of sales through MTK (tickets, participation fees, t-shirts, books), please contact Meredith Fontecchio at ( for details on how to use the online PTO Store @